The Perfect Poached Egg

Nothing beats a perfectly poached egg. The blend of firm airy whites and oozy golden runny yolks is a culinary explosion in your mouth. That, combined with crunchy toasted seeded bread topped with creamy guacamole will make your day. Note that practice makes perfect, so get cooking and start poaching.

The perfect poached egg recipe.jpg


1 free range egg

1 slice of quinoa bread toasted

1 portion of guacamole



1. Fill 2/3 of a small saucepan with water and bring to a simmer. Add a splash of apple cider vinegar and a pinch of salt.2. Give it a stir with a spoon to create a swirl, allow to fade away slightly and break the egg in the middle of the whirlpool. 3. Cook on low heat for three minutes or until the egg white is firm and the yolk still loose. Serve on toast with guacamole and eat straight away.


Tip to make the perfect poach egg: use fresh eggs as this is key to allow the egg white to wrap itself nicely around the yolk. Also, don´t forget to add a good splash of vinegar, the acid helps the egg to stay together.