Finding Your Perfect Breast Pump

Finding Your Perfect Breast Pump

Pump or no pump?

Getting ready for the arrival of your baby can seem overwhelming when you start wondering what you need to buy (on top of other more obvious uncertainties such as labour).

I am slowly becoming a more conscious buyer, trying to only purchase things I really need and use. And to be honest, I am procrastinating the “stocking for the baby’s arrival” as much as possible. However, if there is one thing that is crystal clear and top of my pregnancy shopping list, that certainly is a breast pump.

For those moms-to-be looking to breastfeed, a breast pump can be a true life saver. I can’t speak for myself, as this is my first baby. That said, I have witnessed first hand the first-time motherhood of many close friends and family. I have to admit, I was quite alarmed to learn and see that most of them were using extremely archaic and noisy breast pumps. This lead me to research more user friendly alternatives.

Choosing your perfect breast pump really is a matter of taste, price and your actual production. Whereas some women are lucky enough to produce a lot of breastmilk, many others fall short, which might lead them to consider a single manual breast pump. When it comes to pumps, there isn’t one size fits all, choose whatever suits your needs best.


The ultimate breast pump: wireless, silent and wearable. I have my eyes set on this one as a Christmas present.I have a friend that swears by it and says it is a true lifesaver! It is actually so silent that it was used at London Fashion Week catwalk.

This UK based brand is one of the most revolutionary breast pumps in the market and also one of the priciest options. It can be used while multitasking as it is completely wireless and fits into your bra. Entrepreneur friendly pump, allowing you to pump during a conference call.  It can also be used single handedly, as you can breastfeed on one side and pump on the other, which can save you some cash. And if that wasn’t enough, it tracks your pumping history through an app.


Wearable cordless breast pump operated through an app. The ultimate freedom for a mom, allowing you to pump and walk at the same time, or even meet your friends for coffee. Gone are the days of needing to be chained to your desk. Fits nicely into your bra and collects milk in a bag that can be directly stored in the freezer. It’s an upfront investment, but I guess one could argue that time (and freedom) is money. Only available for US shipping.


The most conventional breast pump in the market, and the one used by most women I know. I believe some insurances actually cover this model. It comes in all shapes and sizes: manual pump, single electric pump and double electric pump. You are probably familiar with this yellow pump: its bottles attached to your chest and the loud cow-like sound is unmistakable. From what I hear, a good value for money option, but one that will keep you tied to your chair for several hours a day.


Only available for US shipping and still in beta phase, this new pump claims to be so silent you might forget it is on. Innovative tech driven product, easy to clean and hands free. You can sign up to reserve your pump.