Meditation to Boost Fertility, Sexuality & Creativity

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Feeling creatively blocked or having trouble conceiving?

Have you tried meditating? You are probably thinking, how can meditation actually help with conceiving a baby or recovering the inspiration that got lost somewhere along the daily stresses of life? Surprisingly, it does.

Early this year, I was going through a phase where I was creatively blocked and was unsure how to regain my inspiration. I was building my business, moving countries and I couldn’t progress. My friend Lola, who is a Kundalini yoga instructor, suggested I try Kundalini meditation. I had always found meditation slightly boring, sitting silently for so long until your legs feel sore. But I discovered that Kundalini meditations were actually active - now that was a game changer!

I was lucky enough to attend a Sexuality and Creativity workshop hosted by Lola in Madrid, where we worked on the second chakra and learned meditations to cleanse this very important energy centre. One month later, I was pregnant and my creativity was back on track. Coincidence or not, I decided to continue with my meditation practice, and I have never looked back.

Why meditation and the second chakra?

We live extremely stressful lives nowadays and it is a known fact that stress affects fertility and creativity. So finding daily routines to calm and de-stress the mind are key. At the end of the day, we clean our bodies every day, but what about our minds? As German Buddhist Ayya Khema said “Imagine a person has been living in a room for the past twenty or thirty years and has never bothered to clean it.”

In our second chakra lies the foundation for our sexuality and creativity. Also known as Svadhisthana, this energy center is located just below the naval, in the lower abdomen and is the doorway to our womb wisdom. When this chakra is out of balance, you might experience anxiety, feel resistant to change or have a reduced libido.

Meditation Guidelines

This meditation is called Sodarshan Chakra Kriya and is one of the most powerful meditations in the yogic tradition for clearing sexual energy. It is also one of the hardest Kundalini meditations, so it’s best to start slowly (3 minutes) and gradually build up your practice time to 11 minutes.

Meditation Practice Guidelines

Kundalini meditation sets generally start and end with the same two mantras, each chanted 3 times:

  • Opening mantra | Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo - this mantra connects to the universal insights of the community of Kundalini teachers and invites your higher self to be present 

  • Meditation mantra (in this case Wha-Hay Gu-Roo)

  • Closing mantra | Sat-Nam - this mantra means truth is my identity

Disclaimer: This meditation is not to be done with the eyes closed. Always check with your health practitioner before starting a new exercise routine.

Fertility, MindfulnessJIMENA RUIZ